The Cartesi dApp Developer Masterclass

The Cartesi dApp Developer Masterclass

The Cartesi dApp Developer Masterclass, Build Scalable dApps with Cartesi Using Mainstream Languages and Libraries.

Course Description

Welcome to the updated edition of “The Cartesi dApp Developer Masterclass.” This course is ideal for developers using familiar open-source libraries to build dApps with mainstream languages like Go, Python, JavaScript, Rust, and more. It’s also great for those looking to improve their blockchain skills, decentralized technology enthusiasts, and anyone aiming to create more complex and scalable dApps.

What is Cartesi?

Cartesi is a powerful modular blockchain protocol that supercharges the Web3 space. Through its native virtual machine and high-performance rollups, Cartesi equips developers with access to a full Linux environment designed to support next-generation dApps.

Course Outline:

  1. Module 1: Getting Started with Cartesi
    Start with an overview of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), its limits, and how Cartesi provides solutions. Learn the basics of Cartesi, Optimistic Rollups, and their role in making dApps more scalable and efficient.
  2. Module 2: Build Your First dApp on Cartesi
    Set up your development environment. This module covers installing all the necessary tools and building a simple dApp using JavaScript.
  3. Module 3: Asset Handling and Wallet Functionality

    Learn how to manage assets in your dApps, including interactions with wallets and deposits for all the token standards (Ether, ERC20, ERC721, and ERC-1155).

  4. Module 4: Smart Contract Interaction
    Learn how to bridge the gap between Cartesi dApps and base layer smart contracts. Discover how to add NFT minting functionality to your dApps
  5. Module 5: Deployment

    Use the self-hosted deployment approach to deploy your application on public blockchain networks like Ethereum, Base, Optimism, Arbitrum, and their test networks.

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