Route of Business Success for Students and New Grads

Route of Business Success for Students and New Grads

Route of Business Success for Students and New Grads, What does future buz look like? What is your focus point to develop? What do you prep before/after joining the company?

Course Description

About this course & What you will learn

  • What does the future look like in business?
  • By 2030, half of today’s jobs will be gone due to AI and robotics, Osborne from Oxford University said. Unpredictable times in Business.
  • How to overcome these business circumstances?
  • You will learn the route to business success
  • Route of business success includes Self-Awareness, Growth Mindset, and Capability Development
  • These 3 Steps will ignite Self-actualization, Business drive, Career Development, and Well-being.
  • Section 1: Introduction and the big picture of this course
  • Section 2: Seek your Self-Awareness including your Values, Strengths, and Purpose
  • Section 3: Develop your Growth Mindset, Create new habits by understanding Self-compassion, Grit, and Resilience
  • Section 4: Foster your Capabilities. Especially, Strategic thinking, Communication skills, and Digital skill.
  • Section 5: Wrap up and next step


  • University, high school* students: It’s possible preparation before joining the company. After watching this video, could you decide on the next action like seeking your Strengths or reading recommended books? It will create your future.

    *Please Notice, Those under 18 may use the services only if a parent or guardian opens their account, handles any enrollments, and manages their account usage.

At a glance

  • Institution: Roy Ashizawa, Specialist of Business Strategy and Learning & Development with 20+ certifications, and 8 years of experience to educate new grads employees and internship students in the company.
  • Subjects: Providing knowledge that you should know before/ after joining a company
  • Target: University students, new grad employees, teachers in university/ high school, and instructors in the company.
  • Out of Scope: Experienced employees
  • Special Thanks: Memory, Roberto, Vasa, Zeyad, Gus, Jaidev, Rohid, Ankit, Aleksis, Maine, Ian, Wenica, Shanika, and Danna, a total of 14 teachers or university students across 7 countries.  Your valuable advice made this course. I’m happy to release this course with your collaboration.

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