Learn HTML in pidgin English

Learn HTML in pidgin English

Learn HTML in pidgin English, This tutorial is tailor-made for easy understanding of HTML and targets Africans as the major speaker of pidgin English.

Course Description

HTML is a hypertext mark-up language that is used to build a website. It is a powerful language that makes it possible to represent data on a webpage. HTML is very flexible, straightforward, and simple.

Despite that HTML is simple, It is so robust that websites may not be constructed without it. This tutorial is tailor-made for easy understanding of HTML and targets Africans as the major speaker of pidgin English. In its entirety, I have carefully curated this tutorial to simplify your learning pathway. I am confident that, every pidgin English speaker will enjoy this tutorial. It is imperative to highlight that, despite that this tutorial is curated in pidgin English, the content is correct.

As an advantage, you are now able to learn in your most preferred and most connecting African Language. I agree that overwhelming majority are bothered about the technicality of programming, and thus are afraid of starting to learn or to keep going in their learning pathway. Well, there is a silent issue about learning how to code and that is the issue of the language barrier. I agree that people can learn to code and assimilate better when they are thought in the language that they are most comfortable with because programming is more of art than science.

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