C++ Coding | Learn C++ Programming with Examples in One Day, C++ Bootcamp | Complete Learning C++ Programming with Examples in One Day in Three Sessions | Moring | Afternoon | Night.
Course Description
Introduction to Learn C++ Programming with Examples in One Day
The C++ Coding course is a comprehensive one-day program designed to teach students the fundamentals of C++ programming.
Projects Included:
In C++, we have included important projects for your practice:
- User Information Collector
- Simple Calculator
- Number Guessing Game
- Even-Odd Analyzer
- Personalized Greeting Function
- Shopping List Manager
C++ Programming in ONE DAY
You will learn C++ Programming language in one day, we break this course into three sessions:
- Morning time session
- Afternoon Time session
- EveningTime Session
Overall this Course:
The course is structured to provide students with an understanding of C++ programming concepts, starting from the basics and gradually progressing towards more advanced topics.
The evening time lectures cover the essential concepts of array, pointers, functions, function overloading, and Object-Oriented Programming (OOP).
The course emphasizes a hands-on approach to learning, with real-world examples and practical exercises to ensure that students can apply what they have learned in real-life situations.
By the end of the course, students will have a solid understanding of C++ programming concepts and be able to use them to write their own programs.
Instructor Experiences and Education:
- Faisal Zamir is an experienced programmer and expert in computer science with a Master’s degree in the field.
- He has over 7 years of experience teaching at schools, colleges, and universities.
- Faisal has worked on projects involving PHP, Java, Python, web development, software engineering, and database management.
- As an instructor, he successfully teaches students from beginners to advanced levels, using a practical approach.
- Faisal is passionate about helping students achieve their goals through his unique teaching style, blending theory with real-world examples.
Outlines for Learn C++ Programming
These are the outlines for C++ Programming Course, you will complete this course in one day but you have to make practices for a lifetime to become an expert in C++ Programming.
- Introduction
- Environment setup
- Program structure
- Input/output
- comments
- Data Types
- Operators
- Math
- String
- Boolean
- Decision Making
- Loops
- Break and Continue
- Array
- Pointers
- Functions
- Function overloading
Thank you
Faisal Zamir