Introduction to Sustainable Investing

Introduction to Sustainable Investing

Introduction to Sustainable Investing, Climate Change, Sustainable Investing, ESG.

Course Description

Are you a keen investor and want to make greener choices?

Or are you an enthusiastic environmentalist and want to apply your passion to finance?

This short introduction to sustainable investing will help to bring these two sides together. Yes – you can invest successfully and still help to save the planet.

The course contains six topics:

  1. Climate Change – what it is, why it happens, outline of the impacts and risks that affect all of us.
  2. Decarbonising the World: Forecasting the Century – if we’re going to save the planet we need to have a plan telling us what must change over the coming decades.
  3. Regulations and Corporate Reporting – what companies report, or should report, to help understand their impact, and an outline of existing and upcoming regulations.
  4. Mitigation by Sector – a review of the energy sector, both fossil fuel and renewable-based generation, and the highest emitting sectors.
  5. Investments – how to incorporate climate factors when analysing shares, bonds and private assets such as real estate and infrastructure.
  6. Portfolios – the big picture, how portfolios can be built and managed with climate in mind.

The programme will explain much of the terminology that you will hear, debunk some of the propaganda and hopefully help you to distinguish between companies that are genuinely becoming green from those that are greenwashing.

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