Learn C# Programming with Examples in ONE DAY

Learn C# Programming with Examples in ONE DAY

Learn C# Programming with Examples in ONE DAY, C# Bootcamp with Programming Examples | Learn CSharp for Software Development with Source Code | C# in ONE DAY.

Course Description

Introduction to C# Programming with Examples in One Day

The course “Learn CSharp (C#) programming in one day” is designed to teach students the fundamentals of C# programming language within a day.

Projects Included:

In this course, we have included different C# projects for you guys to learn from building different projectse.

  1. Temperature Converter
  2. Simple Calculator
  3. Odd or Even Checker
  4. Multiplication Table Generator
  5. Array Search Tool
  6. Pointer Demonstration

C# Programming in ONE DAY

You will learn C# Programming language in one day, we break this course into three sessions:

  • Morning time session
  • Afternoon Time session
  • Night Time Session

Overall this Course

The course is divided into three sessions: morning, afternoon, and evening.

The morning session introduces students to the basics of C# programming, including the environment setup, program structure, input/output, variables, and constants.

In the afternoon session, students learn about operators, math, strings, boolean, and decision-making.

Finally, the evening session focuses on more advanced topics such as loops, arrays, and methods. By the end of the course, students will have a solid understanding of C# programming and be able to write basic programs in C#.

Instructor Experiences and Education:

  1. Faisal Zamir is an experienced programmer and expert in computer science with a Master’s degree in the field.
  2. He has over 7 years of experience teaching at schools, colleges, and universities.
  3. Faisal has worked on projects involving PHP, Java, Python, web development, software engineering, and database management.
  4. As an instructor, he successfully teaches students from beginners to advanced levels, using a practical approach.
  5. Faisal is passionate about helping students achieve their goals through his unique teaching style, blending theory with real-world examples.

Outlines for  Learn C# Programming 

These are the outlines for the C# Programming Course, you will complete this course in one day but you have to practice for a lifetime to become an expert in C# Programming.

  1. Introduction
  2. Environment Setup
  3. Basic Structure
  4. “Hello World” Program
  5. Input / Output
  6. Comment
  7. Variable and Constant
  8. Data Types
  9. Type Casting
  10. Operators
  11. Math
  12. Strings
  13. Boolean
  14. Decision Making
  15. Loops
  16. Break / Continue
  17. Array
  18. Methods
  19. Methods overloading

Thank you

Faisal Zamir


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